A very warm welcome fromPope Francis
Catholic Multi Academy Trust
Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust was established by the Archbishop of Liverpool to provide the very best Catholic education for the young people in our schools.
We are enabling schools, aspiration and faith to flourish by ‘Uplifting Hearts, Inspiring Minds’.
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Kind words &Testimonials
The trust and the school have wisely identified priorities for improvement. They have thought carefully about the appropriate pace of change so that the improvements that they have made can be sustained over the long term.The trust has supported the school by appointing new, experienced staff in various positions. This has strengthened the school’s capacity for improvement.
Trustees and members of the local governing body know the school well and provide appropriate challenge and support to leaders.
oFSTED 2024 (SAINT EDMUND ARROWSMITH)- "The staff, governors and trustees are united and effective in their desire to ensure that all pupils have access to a high quality, broad and ambitious curriculum. The school, with the support of the trust, has begun to take effective action to address a legacy of inadequate curriculum and poor teaching. As a result, outcomes for all pupils are now improving.... The trust has supported the school to strengthen its capacity for improvement."
OFSTED 2024 (Sacred Heart catholic academy) - The symbiotic relationship between the Salesians of Don Bosco, Pope Francis Catholic Multi-Academy Trust (PFCMAT), the archdiocese and school leaders has ensured effective management of the significant changes needed in the school to re-establish a vibrant Catholic life... Consequently, rapid improvements have taken place in a short period of time.csi 2025 (Salesian academy of st john bosco)
- The model for prayer and liturgy is exceptionally strong. This is making a lasting impact on the formation of students as well as staff. The school has successfully places Catholic Life and Mission at the centre, deriving the energy for improvement from the Word of God. CSI 2023 (SAINT EDMUND ARROWSMITH)
- Since I was taken on, I have been made so welcome and been supported immensely by the team both at Sacred Heart Catholic Academy and by the wider Trust team. I can genuinely say that this is the most well looked after I have ever felt - their Catholic values are so evident in every aspect of what is being a part of this Trust, meaning there is a real sense of belonging.Staff member, Sacred heart catholic academy, 2025
"As a new Governor, I feel much more informed, more confident and understand that all questions are valid… I feel very supported by the Trust and hope to use all the resources available to me - great day!"
"The event was so well organised and designed to make everyone feel so welcome. The signage presented to schools was a highlight. I found the workshops very useful, especially the exploration of a Headteacher's Report in the ‘asking the right questions’ workshop.”
PFCMAT Governor Conference 2024-25 Feedback - Students truly understand the Mission of Sacred heart Catholic Academy... Students feel valued, safe and happy... Leaders and governors work in strong partnership with the trust, the archdiocese and local parishes to ensure the Catholic Life and Mission remains a school improvement priority.CSI 2024 (Sacred heart catholic academy)
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